Climate analysis

Ecogain conducts climate analyses that provide you with an assessment of both the positive and negative climate impact of a planned or existing business. We analyze the impact of your operations on greenhouse gas emissions, including both direct and indirect emissions throughout the life cycle.

Holistic assessment of climate impacts

In the case of a wind farm, for example, the analysis includes calculations of emissions related to raw material extraction, construction, building process and transportation. We also assess the potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from replacing fossil energy production with renewable energy.

The climate assessment takes into account current and future developments in the energy sector to assess long-term impacts and identify uncertainties. Overall, the climate assessment aims to provide a holistic picture of the net climate impact of the activity over its lifecycle and how it can contribute to climate change mitigation.

I am happy to tell you more Nora Lundblad +46 (0)10 405 90 13

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