Guidance for biodiversity and human well-being
This week, Ecogain's CEO Anders Enetjärn participated in the launch of the new guidance Ensuring No Net Loss for Biodiversity and People in Oxford, England. We at Ecogain have contributed to the work based on our experience of working with ecological compensation.
Appreciated lecture
Anders gave an appreciated presentation on how the Swedish right of public access means that nature conservation and outdoor recreation policies often coincide - and on how we see that legislation may now be strengthened to ensure that land can be exploited without net loss of biodiversity.
Watch Anders talk about his days in Oxford on our Youtube channel.
Read the guidance
The guide has been developed following a joint initiative by a wide range of organizations, with the University of Oxford, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and the construction company Balfour Beatty in the front line.
Take note of the the guidance Ensuring No Net Loss for Biodiversity and People - Good Practice Principles on Cornell University's SocArXiv website.