Mining operations are regulated by legislation that means that LKAB has both an obligation and a responsibility to live up to the requirements set - but LKAB wants to go even further. The company's stated vision is to be an industry role model in an environmental and sustainability perspective.
Guidelines for LKAB's approach to land issues
LKAB takes responsibility for the impact of its operations and works proactively against the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in all operations. This means primarily minimizing the impact but also adding and creating new values. LKAB bases its work on the internationally accepted mitigation hierarchy - avoid, minimize, restore and compensate.
LKAB has established a guideline for the company's approach to land issues. Ecogain developed the parts relating to natural capital, resulting in clear guidelines for biodiversity and ecosystem services. The guideline supports LKAB's code of conduct, environmental policy and sustainability strategy and is used by the company.

This means that LKAB:
- design facilities to minimize impacts on sensitive areas
- take all reasonably practicable mitigation measures to minimize impacts on land and water
- plans for ecological rehabilitation of abandoned mining sites
- seeks to compensate for any residual damage to biodiversity after mitigation measures have been taken.
Ecogain as a strategic partner
A long-term collaboration between Ecogain and LKAB supports the guidelines on land issues, among other things:
- development of ecological compensation for the new mine at Mertainen
- plans for the ecological restoration of several industrial areas to become nature again, including the Vitåfors sand reservoir in Malmberget and the Kiruna industrial area
- training and study tour on international best practices in ecological restoration
- expert support in natural environment issues in the Land and Environment Court's examination of the mines in Mertainen and Leveäniemi
- expert support in Natura 2000 assessment of different aspects of the activity
- monitoring of long-term impacts of Mertainen operations on wetland flora.