Invasive alien plant species - a threat to biodiversity 

In today's sustainability debate, invasive alien species pose a real threat to biodiversity both in Sweden and globally. Invasive species are included in frameworks such as the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) and the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), which more companies are now implementing as part of their sustainability work. 

Invasive alien species have the potential to alter the environment or displace naturally occurring native species, which can create imbalances in entire ecosystems. Their impact on biodiversity has received increasing attention from businesses, governments and individuals at an international level. 

 - To counteract the loss of species, we all need to be aware of the problem and act - whether it is as individuals who choose not to dispose of their garden waste with potentially invasive species behind the house or companies that review the risks in their operations and value chain," says Maria Åkesson, environmental expert at Ecogain. 

In the modern business reality, companies have become increasingly aware of their environmental footprint and responsibility towards the surrounding nature. The implementation of frameworks such as SBTN and TNFD reflects this growing awareness and puts the focus on corporate responsibility for biodiversity. 

According to the new standard for nature value inventories, invasive species should also be listed, providing a more comprehensive basis for designing action plans. If the Swedish list of invasive species proposed to the government goes through, we can expect a further boost on the subject. It will also provide us with a clearer regulatory framework for the management of our most common invasive species. 

Five measures to combat invasive species

  • Find out which invasive species are present on or near your company's land holdings and how your activities risk spreading invasive species. 
  • Be informed or get help in the event of a fight so that the species does not risk spreading further. 
  • Consider the choice of plants for landscaping or restoration, for example. There is often a lot of focus on the species that are worst today, but many plants that are common in our parks and gardens are at risk of becoming invasive in the long term as climate change progresses.  
  • The most time- and cost-effective approach is to devote some extra resources to preventing invasive species from taking hold in the first place. Once a species becomes established and starts to spread, it becomes more costly and difficult to remove.
  • Work in a coordinated way, it is no use taking action against an invasive plant on your property if the species is still present on your neighbor's property. Make sure that the whole population is controlled in one action and that the work against invasive species is coordinated among all those active on a site.   

Ecogain offers services related to invasive species. We map risks of spread, develop action plans and conduct field trials. Do not hesitate to contact us!