Nature conservation plan to preserve and develop natural values
A nature conservation plan is a strategic document that forms the basis for spatial planning and guides municipal nature conservation work. It aims to preserve and develop nature values and makes it possible to take into account areas with high nature values and important ecological connections and structures at an early stage of urban planning.
Planning green for better social and ecological values
A green plan aims to integrate green spaces and natural values into urban planning, contributing to sustainable and healthy urban environments. Green plans include strategies and measures to create, preserve and enhance green spaces, parks and other natural environments within urban areas, promoting both ecological and social values.
Ecogain - a leader in nature conservation
Ecogain has long experience and extensive expertise in nature conservation planning, and is a reliable partner for all types of nature conservation efforts and in various industries. Among other things, we help with:
- Inventory and mapping: We identify and document natural values in your municipality or area of operation, including descriptions of protected and particularly valuable species and habitats.
- Objectives and action areas: We formulate concrete nature conservation objectives and develop action plans in areas such as spatial planning, nature protection, nature conservation and management, knowledge collection and dissemination, and outdoor recreation.
- Risk assessment: Our expertise in ecological risk assessments helps you understand and minimize potential threats to biodiversity, including climate change, invasive species and human impacts.
- Communication and collaboration: We support you in the dialog with the local community, authorities and other stakeholders to ensure broad support and acceptance of the nature conservation plan.
Ecogain's environmental consultants can also help you develop a biodiversity action plan, see our Biodiversity Action Plan page.