Species protection study

Ecogain's species protection assessments are of high quality and provide you with a complete and up-to-date picture of all protected species in your project area. Our recommendations, including possible adaptations and mitigation measures to minimize impact and damage, will be a solid and highly reliable basis for decision-making in your process. 

Clear and well-founded recommendations for species protection

When Ecogain conducts a species protection assessment for your business, you will receive a report with clear and well-founded recommendations. The investigation is of high quality and gives you: 

  • Complete picture of where in the area the protected species is found, to what extent and how they use the area.  
  • Assessment of the impact of the project on the species and their habitats and consequences thereof.  

The species protection report is delivered as a stand-alone report attached to the permit application. It can also, for example, be attached to an application for a derogation or be attached to a memorandum with arguments as to why the derogation application is not needed. 

I am happy to tell you more Anders Borgehed anders.borgehed@ecogain.se +46 (0)10-405 90 32

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Do you have questions about nature and biodiversity, or are you curious about how Ecogain's services can bring clear business benefits to your organization? Fill in the form and one of our experts will contact you shortly.

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