Bat survey

Ecogain's bat inventory services are comprehensive and include rapid needs assessments and feasibility studies. Our experts carry out fieldwork and make recommendations on species protection, providing you with a strong decision-making basis for permitting processes and ensuring that your project meets environmental requirements.

Ecogain's bat team has unique skills and experience

Many bats live close to humans and are often found in unexpected places. Derelict houses, city parks and barns are some of the most important environments for bats. All bat species in Sweden are protected under the Species Protection Ordinance, and their reproduction areas (breeding colonies, mating areas and hibernation sites) must not be disturbed or destroyed. To avoid surprises, you should therefore investigate whether you have unexpected tenants who sleep up and down between night shifts and who may affect the planning of a project.    

Ecogain offers needs assessments and feasibility studies to quickly and easily clarify whether bat inventories are needed. Our experts have extensive experience and work with advanced equipment and methodology. They carry out fieldwork and make recommendations on species protection, providing you with a solid decision-making basis for your projects and permitting processes.

From needs analysis and feasibility studies to complete bat inventory

Wind energy projects and projects with a large land impact usually require a thorough assessment of bat species protection. Planning and building permits and environmental permits for major projects, as well as logging in sensitive areas, often require a full inventory of bats. A needs analysis or feasibility study at an early stage can provide information on what is required for the project to pass an environmental assessment from a bat perspective. 

The purpose of the bat feasibility study is to find out if there are known species values, in and around the investigation area, that can be of great importance for the progress of the project. It is based on our collective experience of bat inventories and data from various sources on species occurrences and suitable habitats for bats. The bat feasibility study provides a good decision support and risk assessment for your projects.

I am happy to tell you more Ambjörn Johansson +46 (0)10-405 90 34

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