Reindeer husbandry surveys and screening

A reindeer husbandry study is an in-depth analysis and assessment of the impact of a planned activity on reindeer husbandry. It provides an adequate basis for an environmental impact assessment and is a requirement when applying under the Environmental Code for a permit for projects in the reindeer herding area, which accounts for almost 60% of Sweden's surface area.

From localization, screening and feasibility studies to a complete reindeer husbandry study

At Ecogain, we have extensive experience of reindeer husbandry-related analyses. To streamline project planning, we offer support from the earlier localization stage, in-depth screenings and feasibility studies of potential project areas, up to a complete reindeer husbandry study that meets the requirements and current practice under the Environmental Code. Experience shows that a well-substantiated choice of location and a solidly thought-out project design that is developed with regard to reindeer husbandry actually shortens the time to the permit.

Field inventories and soil lichen prediction

Our starting point is always the latest research, and we adapt the investigations to the specific project area's conditions. We use both qualitative and quantitative data sources, such as geodata on vegetation, topography and other activities in the immediate area, as well as our remote sensing model to predict the presence of ground lichens, the reindeer's main winter food source. Field inventories of infrastructure and grazing resources are carried out when required. Interviews with Sami villages and other stakeholders form the qualitative data basis.

Protection and compensation measures

We formulate proposals for protection and compensation measures to turn identified negative impacts on reindeer husbandry into positive ones. We preferably do this in a workshop format to ensure the participation and ownership of stakeholders. We also implement monitoring programs where these are included as a condition of the permit.

Our reindeer husbandry studies follow the industry standard for wind energy, adapted to other activities where appropriate. The manual was developed by Ecogain on behalf of the industry organization, Swedish Wind Energy.

Ecogain reindeer husbandry services:

  • Location study: Scanning of a larger geographic area to identify suitable areas for project development with lower probability of conflicts with reindeer husbandry land use. Delivery in easy-to-understand presentation format.
  • Reindeer screening: GIS-based analysis of the conditions for reindeer grazing in a project area and its immediate surroundings. For orders covering several project areas, an objective comparison is made based on various parameters linked to the area's value for reindeer husbandry. Delivery in an easy-to-understand presentation format.
  • Reindeer study: At this stage, it is assumed that the operator has decided on the location. A feasibility study includes most of the elements of a reindeer husbandry study, but it is carried out in preparation for dialog with the Sami community. The aim is for the feasibility study to develop into a complete reindeer husbandry study. Delivery in report template for reindeer husbandry study.
  • Reindeer husbandry study: Site-specific analysis of an area's value for reindeer husbandry, effects of the planned activity, development of relevant protection and compensation measures and assessment of final consequences for reindeer husbandry. Delivered in layout report format to be included as a complete annex to the EIA.

Efficient process through every step

The services are designed to follow operators through the design process. All material produced at an earlier stage feeds into the next stage, streamlining the whole process from idea to permit.

Contact us if you want to know more about how we work with reindeer husbandry investigation, feasibility studies, screening and soil lichen prediction.

I am happy to tell you more Carly Smith +46 (0) 10 - 405 90 12

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